IES Street & Area Lighting Conference, Day 2

Michael Royer, PNNL made the case that LLD is outdated.   Typically specifiers follow the IES handbook recommendation of  <.70 and, according to Royer, this automatically penalizes LED.  LLD is outdated and may be too conservative for LED.  Many jobs are initially over lit, some by as much as 42% because of LLD.  His recommendation is to find alternatives to the LLD .70 number.   One recommendation is to use a lifetime design based on the specific application under consideration.


Somenath Chatterjee from EcoLights in India spoke about Light Emitting Plasma with Ports and Airports.   He compared LEP to the sun and showed the many drawbacks of HPS in highmast applications.   His customer, APM Terminals met the photopic lux requirement and had 4x scotopic results, while saving about 66% energy.  LEP offered less glare and strong vertical light levels.   In addition, Chatterjee discussed a LEP project at Mumbai airport with similar results (Full disclosure:  Editor worked to bring speaker to this conference and editor earned financial commission on both of these projects.)

Adam Lee, Lee Auto Malls from Maine.  Lee was the funniest speaker and is a strong environmentalist. He spoke of the living wage he pays his employees and even of his paper towel decision.  Lee Auto Malls is based in Maine where sunset is about 4pm in winter. Lee does plan on no maintenance for 20 years and full spectrum for 100,000 hours.  Lee stated that energy savings is about  $6000 per year and annual maintenance savings is $1200 but the superior environmental factors of LED outweighed their financial benefits.  He ended by discussing the image of LED. When his customers see LED, it shows that Lee Auto Malls cares.